The Story
Non-functional testing is a software testing technique that verifies the non-functional requirements of a software application. Non-functional requirements are the performance, usability, reliability, security, and scalability aspects of the software application that is not directly related to its functionality.
Just as a building needs a strong foundation to ensure its stability and durability, a software application must meet its non-functional requirements to ensure its reliability, scalability, and security.
Non-functional testing is like inspecting and testing a building's foundation to ensure it can withstand external pressures and environmental factors.
Similarly, non-functional testing verifies the software application's performance, usability, security, and scalability, which are the key pillars that support the software's functionality and ensure its success.
The Problem
The importance of non-functional testing can be seen in the fact that a weak foundation can cause a building to collapse, just as a software application that fails to meet its non-functional requirements can lead to poor user experience, security breaches, and reputational damage for the organization.
The Solution
The primary objective of non-functional testing is to evaluate the software application's speed, stability, usability, and security performance. Non-functional testing helps to ensure that the software application meets the requirements for quality attributes such as responsiveness, scalability, and maintainability.
Non-functional testing can be performed at different levels of the software testing process, such as load, stress, performance, security, usability, and compatibility.
During non-functional testing, the tester will create test cases that cover all the non-functional requirements and ensure they are met. The test cases should be based on non-functional specification documents or user stories and cover all possible scenarios.
Non-functional testing is usually black-box testing, meaning that the tester is not concerned with the internal workings of the software. Instead, they focus on the software's performance, usability, security, and other non-functional aspects.
In essence, non-functional testing is the bedrock of software development that ensures the software application is reliable, scalable, and secure and can meet the needs of end-users, stakeholders, and the organisation.