The accreditation of ISTQB certification exams is done by the ISTQB Member Boards, which are independent organizations authorized by the ISTQB to accredit training providers, develop and approve the exam questions, and issue the certification to successful candidates. The Member Boards ensure that the exams meet the international standards and are valid, reliable, and fair. The accreditation process involves the review and approval of the training materials, the training provider's delivery methods, and the examination processes. The ISTQB Member Boards are responsible for maintaining the quality and integrity of the ISTQB certification scheme.
To pass the ISTQB exam, a test engineer should have a basic understanding of the accreditation process for ISTQB certification. This includes knowledge of the following:
The role of ISTQB Member Boards: ISTQB certification is managed and administered by a network of member boards around the world. These boards are responsible for ensuring that the certification program is delivered consistently and to the highest standards.
The accreditation process: ISTQB member boards are required to go through an accreditation process to ensure that they meet the standards set by the ISTQB. This includes the accreditation of training providers, exam centers, and exam materials.
The role of the Accreditation and Exam Boards: The ISTQB Accreditation and Exam Boards are responsible for overseeing the accreditation process and ensuring that the certification program is delivered consistently across all member boards.
The importance of accreditation: Accreditation is important because it ensures that the certification program is delivered to a consistent standard, regardless of where in the world it is being delivered. This means that employers can be confident that certified testers have the same level of knowledge and skills, regardless of where they were certified.
The benefits of accreditation: Accreditation provides a number of benefits, including the assurance of quality for employers and the opportunity for testers to have their skills and knowledge recognized globally.
By having a good understanding of these topics, a test engineer can be better prepared for the ISTQB certification exam.